Take the Grand Connection Crossing Survey by November 8th
Be sure to visit the City of Bellevue online open house by November 6 to view Grand Connection Crossing project updates and take the survey to provide your feedback on the initial design concept for the crossing.
For visualization purposes only. Not an actual structural design.
Bellevue Downtown Association study tour to The High Line in NYC
The Bellevue Downtown Association (BDA) recently participated in a study tour to view and experience New York City’s iconic elevated pedestrian corridor, The High Line.
The study group met with city and community leaders there to better understand how they developed The High Line, how members of local and tourist communities use and view the corridor, and lessons learned from design, construction and maintenance to funding models and community activation strategies. The group will apply knowledge gained from the trip in the development, construction and operation of an iconic Grand Connection Crossing.
The study group included members of the BDA, the Friends of the Grand Connection executive and steering committees, and elected and staff leadership from both Bellevue and Kirkland.
“We learned a great deal that we can apply in Bellevue from this study tour,” said Patrick Bannon, President & CEO of the Bellevue Downtown Association and co-chair of the Friends of the Grand Connection. “We found out what worked, what didn’t, what we can apply in our community and what we’d like to do differently.”
“Bellevue isn’t New York City so we want to be sure that we create an iconic structure and experience that reflects our community, while learning from their experience,” Bannon said.